Child atopic dermatitis. MediQuo, your doctor friend. Medical chat Dr. Karine Duffau.

Child atopic dermatitis: the treatment to follow

Due to the stressful life we lead and pollution, more and more people are developing atopic or sensitive skin. Our doctor, Karine Duffau, general practitioner at MediQuo, tells us that the causes are still unknown, but what we should be clear about is the prevention and treatment to be followed in each case. The skin must be taken care of starting as a newborn. Since it is an external organ, it must protect our entire body from all the agents that surround it. Therefore, it is very important to perform a good cleaning, hydration and protection, using lotions and creams that do not damage the pH of the skin.

Atopic dermatitis, popularly called eczema, is the most common chronic skin disease of childhood. Around 10% of children will suffer at some point in their childhood. It usually starts at 2 months of age and are not contagious.

What are the main symptoms of the dermatitis?

  1. Very intense itching
  2. Dry Skin
  3. Peeling (can extend to arms, folds and thorax)

Phases of the dermatitis

Typically, there are two phases of the disease:

  • Non-active or intermittent phase, where the skin is very dry, irritable and peeling. In this phase, applying a moisturizer alleviates the symptoms.
  • Active phase or outbreak, acute injuries occur, so they must be treated with topical medication to soothe inflamed skin and relieve itching. In this phase can occur: moderate to intense itching, inflamed skin or with pain and oozing or even mild bleeding.

What treatment should I follow?

  • Hydrate by applying cream to the skin at least 2 times a day.
  • Bathrooms only 2-3 times a week, no more than 3-5 minutes and using warm water, not hot.
  • Do not use perfumes or strong soaps, prefer Syndet soap.
  • After the shower with a little damp skin apply bath oil and then dry with cotton towel without scrubbing. Apply later moisturizer-emollient cream.
  • Wear only cotton clothing.
  • Avoid exposure to heat and sweat.
  • Keep the child’s nails short so that they can not scratch and hurt the skin.

The treatment of the acute phase should be indicated by a specialist and is based mainly on the use of antihistamines for the control of itching and topical corticosteroids for the control of inflammation.

Our doctor indicates that it is not good to wait several days if we see that our child is starting to show a dermatitis principle and without following an adequate treatment for his skin. The symptoms can get worse in a short time and the quality of his life too.

Follow these little tips and your child will thank you. Carrying out this ritual of care from an early age will instill in them the care of their skin in the stages to come.

Remember that the skin has memory and you have to protect it with a high protection factor to avoid sunburn.


*Content validated by the mediQuo medical team.



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